Sunday, June 9, 2013

Grafted Moon Cactus

Anyone ever had one of these? I have. Several. My friends have had them to. Everyone of them I've ever owned or someone I knew owned have all died with in a few weeks. I want to know why. I saw some at a greenhouse that looked healthier and happier then any I had ever seen. I asked an employee about them and she told me that it's because they are actually grafted together and the ones from my local home improvement stores are glued together the same as the flowers they glue onto every single cactus they sell. Dumb.

So I bought one to take apart and see if it really was glued together. I took the top colored cactus off the green one and found no glue. Still confused. But I did look up some information about them and found that the top part has no chlorophyl and that is why they are never green. Since it doesn't have chlorophyl, it must be grafted to a green cactus that does because chlorophyl is what plants use to make food. So supposedly the colored parts will not survive without the green part. This makes perfect sense. But I have always wanted to try and pull the little babies off of one of these and try to grow them. So that is what I am trying now.

Here are some of them. I have put them all into my growing tray under my plant light and we will see what happens. I have also kept the green part of the cactus and the larger colored part. The colored part is sitting on a plate so that it will hopefully callous over and I will try to root it. I will be watching the green part as well to see if it decides to grow! Updates to come.


  1. I have one of these cactus and it is over four years old. I reported it a few times, and until these past days it was doing just fine. It has a bunch of babies, but the base is rotting so I am looking for help to save it. I am doing my own research just as you did. I will try to graft the babiesand see what happens. Good like with yours.

  2. Oh no! I read that they NEED to be grafted or else they have no way of making food since they don't have chlorophyll (which is why they are not green). I hope you can find a cactus to graft it to! Good luck with yours to!

  3. What were your results? I just grafted 4 of them onto a Lifesaver Cactus and hoping for the best!
