Thursday, April 11, 2013


This is my new blog! I've decided that my old blog was too everywhere and I wanted to be centered on just one or a few things. Mostly things pertaining to gardening. So here it goes! I should probably start this off by saying I am in no way an expert in gardening and the ideas that I will post will be my ideas or ideas I have got from other people. So some of these things may or may not work for you depending on where you live, if your garden is inside or outside, etc. Different things work for different plants and people! I hope this can be a place of advice and sharing ideas.

Here is part of what I am working with right now. I have a grow tray that has a heat pad and an adjustable light that hangs above. The tray has a lid but apparently I took that off for this picture. As of right now I am growing lots of succulents using cuttings or growing from leaves. I have a few cactus cuttings, different things I'm trying from seed, a few african violets. Things like that. I'm also trying a few vegetables like garlic, lettuce, and my recently deceased potatoes. I've been experimenting with african violet cuttings as well.

I cut a leaf from the plant and stuck it in the dirt in my tray and left the lid on most of the time. It took about 2 or 3 weeks I think till I started seeing leaves. I was very surprised it did so well! I know that african violets dont like water on their leaves but I guess they don't mind a humid environment like inside the tray. I took two more cuttings yesterday because I gave my first plant to my mom. So we will see if the new cuttings do the same! I visited my parents last week and brought home a cutting from my favorite cactus that I had to leave there. 

(The tall one on the right)
I hope it roots soon. I actually pulled it out of the dirt because I almost forgot to let the bottom callous over. I might dip it into root hormone when I decide to plant it again. The plant that it came off of is too big and I didn't want to risk it breaking into a million pieces when my husband and I moved 12 hours away to Colorado. Sad day. I miss it! It was my favorite cactus. So hopefully it's baby will be just as happy as it was and grow me a whole new plant!


  1. I had heard that you could regrow celery by cutting off the bottom inch and replanting. When I looked it up again to share with you how to do it, I found a really cool article about regrowing several different vegetables. Ginger, green onions, pineapples, leaf lettuce, potatoes, and celery are all included. I think you will enjoy it if you haven't already read about all these things. It would be cool if you could try all those ideas and tell us if it really worked well or not! =)

  2. You are doing great, keep it up! Remember to make sure the bottom of that Euphorbia is callused before planting. About a week. Don't keep the soil wet.

    And just some friendly advice about blogging. Make sure you re-read what you have written for mistakes. And also make sure each post has photos. Otherwise most people won't look or read. Just learned this from experience.

    I am a succulent fanatic like you! And my Mom loved growing African violets. She used to make new plants just like you are with one leaf.

  3. Thank you Candice! I will leave it out for a while. I'm glad you said that, I was just giong to leave it out for a few days. I really want it to survive.

    I will be sure to do that. I tried to post a picture on my newest post but for some reason it wouldn't allow me to. I hope the next post lets me! I have lots of pictures I want to show!!

    And that's awesome! I didn't even know you could do that until recently when I got this book called Making More Plants. They cut leaves and put them in water. I tried that and they just got moldy and gross. So I tried one in my heated tray and it worked!
    I appreciate your advice!! Thank you for reading!
